WEB / 833,00 CHF*
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- Kostenloser Versand CH ab CHF 100.00
- 24h Lieferung Di. - Do. bis 09:00 möglich
- Kauf auf Rechnung ab CHF 100.00
- Ratenzahlung mit HeyLight
Our oldest version of the instrument, Paiste Symphonic Gongs have a slightly raised surface with a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instrument's complex overtones. A good starting point for a gong collection, the Symphonic contains even proportions of various gong characteristics, which can be brought forth using different mallets and striking points. Symphonic Gongs feature some of our largest examples of the instrument, like the 60" SGM and the extraordinary 80", the world's largest gong.