Remo Pauken-Patch Falam Slam Pad 65mm

13,00 CHF*

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-4 Tage

Produktnummer: 1181
Hersteller: Remo
Gewicht: 0.45 kg
Lagerbestand: 5
Unsere Vorteile
  • Im Laden Testen und Beraten lassen
  • Kostenloser Versand CH ab CHF 100.00
  • 24h Lieferung Di. - Do. bis 09:00 möglich
  • Kauf auf Rechnung ab CHF 100.00
  • Ratenzahlung mit HeyLight
Produktinformationen "Remo Pauken-Patch Falam Slam Pad 65mm"
The Falam® Slams are maximum durability beater impact patches for all Bass drumheads. Constructed with high-strength Kevlar®, Falam® Slams increase the longevity of your Bass drumhead as well as the beater attack in the sound of the drum. The adhesive-backed patches are placed in the location where the beater contacts the drumhead. Available in 4" and 2.5" diameter single pedal circles as well as 4" and 2.5" diameter versions for double pedals.
Eigenschaften "Remo Pauken-Patch Falam Slam Pad 65mm"
Schlagwort: Drums & Percussion

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